Paula Brancatois a first generation Sicilian-American and an award-winning filmmaker. Currently on faculty at the University of Southern California, she has been published by Mudfish, the Georgetown Review, GSU/New South Review, Litchfield Review, Southern California Anthology, Rattle, and Natchez Anthology, among others.
In 2008/2009, her book Club Paradise placed second for the May Swenson award and received an Honorable Mention in the Jeffers Tor House prize, and Poet Ilya Kaminsky selected her first chapbook, Dar a Luz, for publication by the pacificREVIEW.
Additional literary awards include 2007 Brushfire Poet Award, first prize Chester H. Jones Foundation, Pacific Northwest Writers Association, the Organization of Black Screenwriters, SCIFF Family Focus and WINFEMME awards. She earned her MBA from Harvard Business School and is a graduate of LA Film School and Hunter College.
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